
the pitzer clock tower with a pine tree in the foreground

Pitzer College’s 战略计划 2025

Following more than a year of information gathering and priority-setting by the entire Pitzer community, the College has established four distinct goals as it enters the third and final phase of 战略计划 2025 Implementation.


学术资源 & 规划

GOAL I:  Broaden the interdisciplinary landscape and expand academic resources to better equip students to engage holisti呼叫y with the complex problems of the world.

  • Create new interdisciplinary strategies, leveraging existing academic programs, both to guide and respond to students’ changing academic interests.
  • Rethink the allocation of 教师 lines through cross-disciplinary, 教师-led对话, to advance the College’s academic plans and priorities.
  • Further integrate Keck Science into traditional core academic programming to expand interdisciplinary learning opportunities and promote creativity and innovation in the sciences.
  • Improve student learning by using added resources to create new program offerings, enhance academic space and technology, support increased enrollment at Keck Science, and support existing 教师 lines and majors.
  • Enhance academic support services to better meet the needs of an increasingly diverse student body.
  • Reimagine the first and second year student experiences in ways that increase retention and improve academic and career advising.


Goal II: Advance a College-wide sense of community and engagement by cultivating an environment where students, 教师, 员工都茁壮成长.

  • Facilitate the bringing together of students, 教师, 和工作人员 in both formal and informal settings by expanding the portfolio of shared experiences.
  • Steward campus facilities and technology to promote learning, community and engagement.
  • Promote intercultural understanding and community trust through cross-group dialogue and other means.
  • 预测, 识别, and respond to the diverse needs of all members of the College community, emphasizing inclusion and equity.
  • Improve the overall student experience, using student-led dialogue as the basis for planning.
  • Develop a long-term strategic enrollment plan that increases access to the College, optimizes the use of College resources, and positions the College to have a more socioeconomi呼叫y diverse student body.


GOAL III:  Deepen our commitment to financial sustainability to promote broader access to a Pitzer education and create adaptability in response to the evolving higher education landscape.

  • Implement a thoughtful plan for enrollment growth to increase revenue and realize the benefits of scale.
  • Build a more robust, nimble, and creative advancement operation.
  • 打造我们的品牌, 创造更多的意识, and capture more of our public’s mind share through a concerted communications program emphasizing the accomplishments of our students, 校友, 教师, 和工作人员, and how these reflect and reinforce the College’s core values.
  • 收入来源多样化, 包括建立捐赠基金, to create a more flexible foundation for the future.

规划 & 决策

GOAL IV:  Develop a culture of inclusive, intentional, and transparent planning and decision-making.

  • 建立一个灵活的, collaborative infrastructure to 收集, 商店, 分析, and share data to inform institutional planning and decisions.
  • Align consortium collaborations with the College’s strategy and goals.
  • 建立治理结构, 政策, 处理更有效, ensuring they draw fully on the wisdom of all stakeholders.



4.30.2020—战略计划 Implementation Summary

Pitzer’s five-year strategic plan was approved by College Council and the Board of Trustees in the spring of 2019. The Committee for 战略计划 Implementation (CSPI) convened in the fall and met regularly this academic year to discuss, 收集, and organize information regarding proposed implementation activities in support of the strategic plan. There are currently 160 activities suggested for implementation that are recorded in a spreadsheet administered by the CSPI.

This document is intended to summarize the myriad proposed implementation initiatives in a more readable and digestible format than the spreadsheet (which contains more than 2200 fields of information). The items in this summary may be either standalone actions or themes that encompass many related activities. All of them are in alignment with at least one of the goals and objectives in the strategic plan, and several of them support multiple objectives. This is a working draft that will be modified as feedback is provided and additional information emerges.

Please submit all feedback regarding this document to: strategicplan@www843232a.com